Bad value “” for attribute “src” on element “iframe”: Must be non-empty.
The “frameborder” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
An “img” element must have an “alt” attribute, except under certain conditions. For details, consult guidance on providing text alternatives for images.
Element “style” not allowed as child of element “span” in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
Bad value “|fixcat_mens_lifestyle” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Bad value “|fixcat_womensclothing” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Bad value “|fixcat_mobile” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Bad value “|fixcat_electronics” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Bad value “|fixcat_Watches” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Bad value “|fixcat_home” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Bad value “|fixcat_personalcare_background_perfumes” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Bad value “|fixcat_health_fitness” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
Attribute “autocorrect” not allowed on element “input” at this point.
Stray end tag “input”.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
The “marginwidth” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
The “marginheight” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
The “scrolling” attribute on the “iframe” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
“&” did not start a character reference. (“&” probably should have been escaped as “&”.)
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
Bad value “” for attribute “rel” on element “a”: The string “” is not a registered keyword.
The “center” element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.
Bad value “” for attribute “src” on element “img”: Must be non-empty.
The “language” attribute on the “script” element is obsolete. You can safely omit it.
The “border” attribute is obsolete. Consider specifying “img { border: 0; }” in CSS instead.